Our complete range of services:

Inspection Services
Aegeus Inspection Solutions conducts regular inspections of facilities and assets across various industries, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards.

Engineering Services
Aegeus Inspection Solutions offers engineering and technical services to asset owners and operators of pipelines, providing technical assurance and project management expertise through Kiefner and Associates, Inc.

Vendor Surveillance / Technical Staffing/Rope Access
Aegeus Inspection Solutions conducts vendor inspections at customer facilities, ensuring the integrity of new equipment and manufacturing processes.

Conventional Non-Destructive Testing Methods
Aegeus Inspection Solutions offers conventional non-destructive testing techniques effective in identifying common flaws and discontinuities in energy and industry sector assets.

Advanced Non-Destructive Testing Methods
Aegeus Inspection Solutions delivers exceptional Advanced Non-Destructive Testing (ANDT) solutions tailored to meet intricate inspection challenges.

Civil Material Laboratory and Field Testing Services
Aegeus Inspection Solutions offers testing and inspection services for construction companies and public entities in civil infrastructure.