Real-Time Digital Radiography (RTR) is an advanced radiography technique that incorporates the filmless conversion of data into a high-resolution image of pipeline welds and other assets within a single scan. The amount of radiation required for a digital radiography image is far less than that is required to achieve the same resolution with conventional radiography. Images produced can be permanently stored and uploaded to a cloud-based server or client specified database for remote auditing capabilities. RTR is mainly employed for new-construction industry customers, specifically, in pipeline construction and LNG tank construction. 

The inspection technique can be implemented to inspect, for example, pipes with a diameter from 5 cm to 142 cm (2 in. to 56 in), proving to be a versatile and efficient technique to suit customer needs. RTR is compliant with the following codes and standards: API 1104, ASME V, Art.2, including Mandatory Appendix IX, DNV OS-F101, and EN-ISO 17636-2. 

​ Advantages of Real-Time Digital Radiography

Real-Time Digital Radiography has a number of benefits over conventional film radiography, including: 

Operational Efficiency
RTR is a cost-efficient process; no film or consumables and it is 100 percent a digital process.
Files are stored electronically.
Higher production rates per crew, therefore, fewer crews are required. 
Direct interpretation and immediate results.
Data Interpretation and Data Management
Scans accessible via secure cloud or customer specified database.
Improved operational safety and reduced environmental impact
Shielded scanner design reduces operator exposure and reduces radiation boundaries.
Environment-friendly, no chemical waste management or disposal required.

Is Real-Time Digital Radiography a suitable inspection technique for our assets?

RTR is the appropriate advanced inspection technique for the following assets: 

Pipes with diameters of 5cm to 142cm (2” to 56”)
Thin walls
Austenitic materials
Dissimilar welds
CRA pipelines
Root and hot-pass inspections
Get in touch with our technical experts today to learn more about RTR and other advanced inspection techniques