Liquid Penetrant Testing (PT) is one of the most common yet effective techniques detecting surface defects on wide range of materials and welds where the properties of the material limit the use of other NDT methods. PT is an effective means of locating and determining the severity of surface discontinuities in materials, including those that are not visible to the naked eye.

The process behind LP involves the application of penetrant on a tested asset, where it is allowed to dwell or soak for a determined amount of time. Once the part has had ample time for the penetrant to dwell it is removed carefully, and the developer is applied. The penetrant bleeds through the developer, which produces a visible or fluorescent indication that we evaluate to applicable codes, standards, and client specifications.

What are the advantages of Liquid Penetrant (PT) Testing?

Customers can obtain many benefits through the application of this conventional testing technique for their assets, which include:
Its ability to detect defects open to the surface (such as cracks) and those not visible to the naked eye
Sensitive in detecting critical defects
Cost-effective solution

Is Liquid Penetrant (PT) Testing the appropriate technique for our assets?

Customers can obtain many benefits through the application of this conventional testing technique for their assets, which include:
Oil and Gas
Learn more about how Liquid Penetrant (PT) Testing and other conventional techniques with the help of our technical experts today