Laser Testing Methods (Handyscan)

Advanced techniques in non-destructive testing include the use of effective and efficient laser testing methods. Industries such as the industrial sector are now applying laser testing methods, replacing ineffective methods. Laser testing methods have proven to be a time-efficient and cost effective way to collect data; data in which its quality has increased significantly unlike obtaining data manually. Our technical experts have access to laser testing tools to meet the needs and specifications of our clients’ assets, including HandySCANs, to collect data from installations other than pipes, such as vessels, plates, small pipe areas with complex geometries.

What are the advantages of Laser Testing Methods?

Customers can obtain many benefits through the application of this advanced testing technique for their assets, which include:

Quick on-site data collection
More accurate results than other manual methods
Faster data analysis and reporting capabilities
Reduced downtime

Are Laser Testing Methods the appropriate technique for our assets?

Laser Testing Methods can be applied on assets owned and operated by companies in a sectors such as:

Any company that needs to collect data on the condition of assets, such as defects, can obtain this data quickly on worksites.
Learn more about how Laser Testing Methods and other advanced techniques with the help of our technical experts today